Hero and Villain

18th July 2020
Have you ever wonder why the villain in the fairytales become the villain? What is the reason to be bad person that everyone will hate?

The truth is hurtful,painful and deceitful. But have you curious? 

The world we live now is no longer where the good means good and the bad means bad. As example, see the glass and gloss a little and it will glitter like diamond but it is still a glass.

The appearance is more deceitful. You can see the good outside but inside? Who knows what it made of. 

Writing this and that, just to be a reminder to myself and you. 

The good you see not always means good. And the bad not always be bad. Don't believe one story just because you know it for a long time and always be a good one,listen to another story even if you don't believe it, just listen and make your own judgement after that. You will learn something along the way.

The Hero has its shield and The Villain has its trick.🤫

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