
21st SEPTEMBER 2020

As the night goes deeper, my thoughts also sinked with it. You know what the teachers at the high school once said? "Focus on your study right now,dont think about love. You will find the right one once you go to college." 

Silly thing is that I once ,believe it.

Recklessly drop the books in library and find cute guy/girl pick it up for you...
Study alone in the library and someone is watching you...

Cringey isn't?

But yeah, that's part of your youth. When getting older ,you will smile at your youth silliness. The moment when you suddenly like someone,the moment you started to chase him/her and the moment you been heartbroken by puppy love.

Weird isn't?

Me too. I once feel it. Feel the exciting emotion of wanting something/someone to like me back. Like it is not enough to like him/her alone without the mutuals feeling.

So here I am ,writing this for those who will read and feel the same as I was (once), you're not wrong. The only thing is wrong is for you to not admit your own feeling. So be honest. Dont let the tingling excitement die without trying. And once you tried, be ready to let it go. Don't hold onto memories till you forget to live the present. 

The Youth is past happiness and let it be a good memory for your life. 💌

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